Professor Arkadiusz Płoski passed away on February 8, 2024 at the age of 77. He was a frequent participant of the GKLW seminar, almost from the very beginning. Prof. A. Płoski was an expert in the topic of the seminar "Singularity Theory." Exactly he was interested in its classical aspect - singularities of analytic curves. He introduced us to various invariants associated to the singularities of curves. Especially, he was interested in the algebraic aspects of singularity theory and for this reason, towards the end of his life, he became interested in singularities in positive characteristics. He was an old-style mathematician: elegant, polyglot, interested in the history of mathematics, expert in the history, literature, politics etc. He was a role model for us throughout these years.
Organizers: Christophe Eyral, Tadeusz Krasiński, Aleksandra Nowel, Anna Valette, Guillaume Valette